Documento de conferencia RDF
páginas:- Traceability to UTC using the SIM time network bilateral comparisons
- University Class Schedule Assignment by a Tabu Search Algorithm
- University digital transformation plan through the implementation of Digital Resources: The case of the Technological University of Panama.
- Using a 3D CNN for Rejecting False Positives on Pedestrian Detection
- Using a 3D CNN for Rejecting False Positives on Pedestrian Detection
- Uso de los macroinvertebrados bentónicos como indicadores de la condición ecológica del Río Curundú en los predios de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá
- Volume in glass instruments: study of the normality using the Monte Carlo method
- Vulnerability to natural disasters in selected hydrographic basins in Panama, using GIS and Remote Sensing
- Water in Panama: an overview
- Weather projections and dynamical downscaling for the republic of Panama: Evaluation of implementation methods VIA GPGPU accelaration