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- Validez de constructo y confiabilidad de un cuestionario de conocimientos, actitudes, percepciones y comportamientos sobre prácticas dietéticas para niños en edad escolar en Panamá
- Validez de dos textos de inglés en-linéa con base en las estrategias de inglés, competencias lingüísticas, hábitos de estudio, y estilo de aprendizaje.
- Valoración práctica de una estrategia de actividad física para estudiantes de urgencias médicas de UDELAS Academic Article
- Valores de referencia de la translucencia nucal en Panamá y su comparación con diferentes regiones del mundo
- Vargas, Y. F., Pujades, L. G., González-Drigo, J. R., Alva, R. E., & Pinzón, L. A. (2019). On the Equal Displacement Aproximation for Mid-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings. COMPDYN Proceedings, 3, 5490–5502.
- Vascular biomarkers and ApoE4 expression in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. for the Panama Aging Research Initiative. Academic Article
- Venoms of Centruroides and Tityus species from Panama and their main toxic fractions
- Vibrating Tail, Digging Body/Face Interaction and Lack of Barbering Sex-Dependent Behavioral Signatures of Social Dysfunction in 3xTg-AD Mice as Compared to M ice with Normal Aging Department
- Villarreal AE, Grajales S, O’Bryant SE, Edwards M, López L, Montalván A, Britton GB, Panama Aging Research Initiative (2016). Characterization of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment in older adults in Panama. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 54, 897-901. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-160402. PMID: 27567849. Academic Article
- Villarreal AE, O’Bryant SE, Edwards M, Grajales S, Britton GB for the Panama Aging Research Initiative (2016). Serum-based protein profiles of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment in elderly Hispanics. Neurodegenerative Disease Management, 6(3), 203-13. DOI: 10.2217/nmt-2015-0009. PMID: 27229914.
- Villarreal AE, Pérez-Lao AR, Oviedo DC, Grajales S, Carreira MB, Britton GB for the Panama Aging Research Initiative (2019). The Panama Aging Research Initiative longitudinal study. MEDICC Review, 21(2-3), 54-58. PMID: 31401637.
- Vocalizations of wild West Indian manatee vary across subspecies and geographic location
- Volume in glass instruments: study of the normality using the Monte Carlo method Conference Paper
- Volumetric Quantification and Quality of Water Stored in a Mining Lake: A Case Study at Reocín Mine (Spain
- Water in Panama: an overview Conference Paper
- Water Sustainability: A Case Study using Social and Economic Metabolism Perspective
- Weather projections and dynamical downscaling for the republic of Panama: Evaluation of implementation methods VIA GPGPU accelaration Conference Paper
- Wet deposition and soil content of Beryllium – 7 in a micro-watershed of Minas Gerais (Brazil)
- What environmental sustainability practices do universities manage for sustainable development Artículo
- WhatsApp Remote Reading Recovery: Using Mobile Technology to Promote Literacy during COVID-19 Academic Article
- WhatsApp Remote Reading Recovery: Using Mobile Technology to Promote Literacy during COVID-19 Academic Article
- Where PYD Meets CBPR: A Photovoice Program for Latino Immigrant Youth.
- World Pendulum Alliance
- ZONA DE CONTACTO Y ESPACIO INTERVENIDO EN PANAMÁ. El impacto de la presencia de EEUU 1904-1955 Academic Article
- ¿Cómo abordar la hematuria microscópica asintomática en atención primaria?
- ¿Es cierto que América Latina se está volviendo más secular? Blog Posting
- ¿Los niños indígenas realmente son los reprobados?
- ¿Por qué los pueblos indígenas de Panamá obtienen los peores resultados en las evaluaciones?
- ¿Quién soy? La búsqueda de identidad y la educación superior en México
- β-glucans: wide-spectrum immune-balancing food-supplement-based enteric (β-WIFE) vaccine adjuvant approach to COVID-19 Academic Article