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- Un Regreso al Siglo XIX: Fricciones Internacionales y la Rearticulación Geopolítica Academic Article
- Una colaboración innovadora de la educación superior en Panamá: La lectura móvil durante la COVID-19 Academic Article
- Una migración forzada por el covid19 de un servicio de educación universitaria presencial a un sistema de gestión total del aprendizaje en línea: caso de estudio UDELAS-Panamá
- Una parte de la autonomía Guna: la educación bilingüe Intercultural
- Uncovering the Mast Cell Response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis I
- Understanding Software-centered Evolutive Ecosystems through Activity Theory
- Understanding the Artemia salina (brine shrimp) test: pharmacological significance and global impact
- Understanding the Artemia Salina (Brine Shrimp) Test: Pharmacological Significance and Global Impact.
- Understanding the Effect on the State of Health of a Lithium-ion Battery Caused by Charging at a High Current Rate
- Unequal literacy development and access to online education in public versus private Panamanian schools during COVID-19 pandemic
- Unequal literacy development and access to online education in public versus private Panamanian schools during COVID-19 pandemic Academic Article
- Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá 2022, Vol. 8, Núm. 1: Revista de Iniciación Científica
- University Class Schedule Assignment by a Tabu Search Algorithm Conference Paper
- University digital transformation plan through the implementation of Digital Resources: The case of the Technological University of Panama. Conference Paper
- UPLC-MS/MS-based molecular networking and NMR structural determination for the untargeted phytochemical characterization of the fruit of Crescentia cujete (Bignoniaceae).
- UPLC-MS/MS-based Molecular Networking and NMR structural determination for the untargeted phytochemical characterization of the fruit of Crescentia cujete (Bignoniaceae).
- Using a 3D CNN for Rejecting False Positives on Pedestrian Detection Conference Paper
- Using a 3D CNN for Rejecting False Positives on Pedestrian Detection Conference Paper
- Using a Statistical Crop Model to Predict Maize Yield by the End-Of-Century for the Azuero Region in Panama
- Using beryllium-7 to evaluate soil erosion processes in agricultural lands in semiarid regions of Central Argentina
- Using Principal Component Analysis to evaluate meteorological data of Panama Bay mangroves Academic Article
- Uso de herramientas de optimización en el manejo de unidades de acondicionamiento de aire para la reducción del consumo eléctrico
- Uso de los macroinvertebrados bentónicos como indicadores de la condición ecológica del Río Curundú en los predios de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Conference Paper
- Uso y presencia de las tecnologías en las personas con discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo. Herramientas digitales en tiempos de crisis
- Utilidad de una evaluación neuropsicológica informatizada de la memoria verbal, el Cogval-Verbal, para la detección del deterioro cognitivo. Datos preliminares
- Utilizing Internet of things [IOT] Technologies to prevent Mass gun related Shootings
- Validación del Instrumento "Movilización de las emociones y estados cognitivos en el proceso de duelo
- Validation of an UPLC-DAD method for the quantification of phenolic acids, verbascoside and 6-epi-aububin in Crescentia cujete fruit.
- Validation of an UPLC-DAD method for the quantification of phenolic acids, verbascoside and 6-epi-aucubin in Crescentia cujete fruit Academic Article
- Validation of satellite precipitation data in selected basins of Panama Artículo Academic Article