Evaluación del Componente de Relaciones con instituciones externas nacionales e internacionales en la Agencia Acreditadora Nacional y la Centroamericana Article uri icon


  • The purpose of this essay is to carry out a comparative investigation on the Component of Relations with national and international external institutions in the National Council for University Evaluation and Accreditation of Panama and in the Central American Agency for Postgraduate Accreditation, so that the impact can be perceived of this component in the postgraduate programs at the national and Central American level, which constitutes it in a pertinent study since at present most of the universities choose to obtain the accreditation certifications as a hallmark of quality of their academic institution. To carry out the research, a documentary review will be used as a methodology that allows the evaluation of the component of Relations with national and international external institutions.

fecha de publicación

  • 2021

Palabras clave

  • Relationships, institutions, graduate programs, quality, accreditation.


  • 17 N° 80