Assessment of sediment profiles applying nuclear techniques: use of a nucleonic gauge in Panama Canal watershed Article uri icon



    • Henry Hoo
    • Patrick Brisset


    An industrial nuclear technique based on the use of an X-ray profiler was implemented to estimate the densities or concentrations of sediments present in an Atlantic maritime zone in the areas subjected to dredging under the governance of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP).

    The sediment profiles show in most areas there is a concentration of between 1.00-1.15 g/cm³ except for one area in particular, the density starts at 1.20 g/cm³ and even reaches values greater than 1.50 g/cm³; therefore, an already consolidated sediment is present, which, depending on the depth found. Values of 1.265 g/cm³, 1.297 g/cm³, 1.185 g/cm³ obtained by ACP previous studies are within the range of 1.20–1.30 g/cm³ measured with the nucleonic gauge. However, it should be noted that during the tests with the X ray profiler, sediment densities values greater than the aforementioned limit were also obtained that varying according at depths close to 12 m and 18 m with values reached up to 1.513 g/cm³ and 1.60 g/cm³, respectively. This demonstrates that sediment accumulation depends on depth. This nucleonic gauge is feasible technique for the study of the sedimentation phenomenon in channel basins and even in other projects nationwide.

fecha de publicación

  • 2022

Palabras clave

    • Water resource
    • Sedimentation
    • Nucleonic gauge
    • Nuclear technique

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  • 4236

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  • 4243


  • 54