- The study entitled "Gamification and the use of ICT as a didactic strategy in inclusive learning at the Regional University Center of Los Santos" explores the potential of gamification and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in inclusive education. Gamification, defined as the use of elements and game design to improve engagement and motivation (García, 2016), is presented as an effective response to the perception of traditional education as boring (Coello Morán, 2019). Play has been an integral part of human history and its evolution has led to its adoption in the educational field as a strategy to improve motivation and learning (Contreras Espinosa, 2016). The use of gamification in inclusive classrooms not only facilitates the effective transmission of knowledge, but also improves access to information and the academic and personal quality of life of students with Specific Educational Support Needs (NEAE) (UNESCO, 2024). In addition, the implementation of gamification techniques can respond to the current demands of twenty-first century education by providing meaningful and motivating learning experiences (Eguía, 2017; Jiménez, 2019). The results of the study, based on surveys, reveal that although only 4.5% of students have had previous experiences with gamification, most show a high motivation to incorporate it into their learning. The most engaging elements are the stories and narratives, followed by challenges and quests. In addition, most students believe that gamification could improve their academic performance, especially in areas such as Education Sciences and Natural Sciences (Marí, 2023). In conclusion, gamification, supported by ICTs, represents an innovative and effective strategy for inclusive education, promoting motivation, access to knowledge and the creation of more inclusive and equitable learning environments.