Impacto del cobre (Cu) y Cadmio (Cd) en sedimento del estero Farfán, Golfo de Montijo, Panamá. Article uri icon


  • The levels of copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) were quantified in the sediments of the Farfán estuary, located in the Gulf of Montijo, Panama. Sediment samples were taken in six stations, with 2” diameter PVC nucleators, and salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH of the water were measured with a multiparametric probe, monthly samplings, three months of the dry season, and three of the rainy seasons. The determination of copper and cadmium in the sediment samples were digested with nitric acid and read by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with a graphite furnace. The accumulation and ecological risk indices were calculated. Copper presented values between 5.1 and 151.5 µg / g, and cadmium varied between 0.01 and 0.18 µg / g. Significant differences (p = 0.0009) were observed between copper concentrations and the collection season and the relationship with medium sand and pH. The amount of cadmium showed no relationship with the variables studied, site, or sampling season. The values found were lower than those reported for the Panamanian Pacific.

fecha de publicación

  • 2022

Palabras clave

  • Trace metals, pollution, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, medium sand, Pacific.


  • 24