Modelos de localización asignación utilizando redes dinámicas a partir de ficheros GTFS y datos de TomTom.Modelos de localización asignación utilizando redes dinámicas a partir de ficheros GTFS y datos de TomTom. Article uri icon


  • Location Allocation Models (LAM) in Geographic Information Systems are used to find the best sites for locating service or equipment facilities. Traditionally, LAMs have been applied without integrating temporal variables in the transportation network. Theobjective of this work is the LAMapproach, incorporating dynamism in the network and applied to public hospitals. For this purpose, dynamic public transport network files (GTFS) and road networks with historical traffic data (in this case from the TomTomcompany) are used;this allows evaluating the effect of changes in public transport frequencies and traffic congestion on the model results. The results show the impacts on the amount of demand covered, considering the temporal behaviour of the network throughout the day.

fecha de publicación

  • 2021

Palabras clave

  • Location Allocation Models; GIS;GTFS; TomTom; Big Data

Número de páginas

  • 24

Página inicial

  • 59

Última página

  • 84