Semibatch Aqueous-Solution Polimerization of Acrylic Acid. Simultaneous Control of Molar Masses and Reaction Temperature. Academic Article uri icon


  • The semibatch polymerization of non-ionized acrylic acid (AA) was investigated with the aim of producing poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) of controlled molar masses, at complete AA conversion, and under safe conditions. The proposed strategy mainly consists in feeding the AA at a constant rate along the reaction, for simultaneously controlling polymerization rate and molar masses. PAA of intermediate , in the range 1 × 104–2 × 105 g · mol−1, was produced through an adequate selection of both the initiator concentration and the AA flow rate. In all experimental conditions, backbiting reactions were confirmed by 13C NMR. A simple mathematical model was developed to help interpret the experimental results.

fecha de publicación

  • 2011

Palabras clave

  • Control of molar masses; Molar mass distribution; Polyacrylic acid; Radical polymerization; Semibatch operation

Página inicial

  • 223

Última página

  • 231


  • 5


  • 5-6