Reuse of Effluents from the Victor Levi Sasso Campus Wastewater Treatment System, UTP for Irrigation of Green Conference Paper uri icon


    Geraldine, Yorett
    Job, Noel

    As time goes by, the problem of global water scarcity increases, and Panama does not escape this reality. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the reuse of effluents from Wastewater Treatment Systems (WWTS) as a mitigation measure has gained great popularity in recent years, promoting the development of circular economies and ensuring the distribution of drinking water. for the necessary activities. Currently, around 50,000 L/week of drinking water is used to irrigate the green areas of the Dr. Victor Levi Sasso, UTP campus, in the dry season. For this reason, our objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of reusing effluents from the WWTS for irrigation of the green areas of the campus by comparing the water demand of the area and the production of the WWTS. The results show that the WWTSx of the Dr. Victor Levi Sasso Campus 470,880 L/week is capable of supplying the water demand for the irrigation activity of the green areas of the campus 50,000 L/week. In conclusion, the reuse of these effluents would not only represent an economic benefit for the institution, since the production costs of treated water are lower than that of drinking water, but the implementation of this measure would encourage the Technological University to enter the category of universities worldwide that join the fight against climate change by implementing an environmental plan for the reuse of water

fecha de publicación

  • 2022

Palabras clave

  • Irrigation, Waste management, Climate change, Green products, Water resources, Wastewater