La flexibilidad y otros retos de la integración masiva de generación eólica y solar en los sistemas de potencia Article uri icon


    Ana Ríos,
    Guadalupe González


    With the massive integration of renewable energy sources, mainly wind and solar, the flexibility of power systems has special importance, as it is necessary to respond to the variable and intermittent nature of these sources. In addition to flexibility, the massive integration of renewable sources brings with it other challenges and requirements in the planning and routine operation of the power system. They are not only of technical nature but also of economic, regulatory, and social-environmental nature.

    Based on a review of specialized literature, this technological dissemination work provides an overview of the challenges and possible solutions that exist with the massive integration of variable renewable energy sources, mainly wind and solar at the level of large generators. In particular, it deals with the challenge of flexibility, its associated problems, and some possible technical solutions.

    From the general vision presented, several conclusive ideas are extracted in this work, highlighting that for an effective and efficient integration of renewable energies in power systems, it is necessary to increase their flexibility, which requires rethinking the planning, design, and operation of the systems in a holistic way including technical, economic, environmental and social elements.


fecha de publicación

  • 2022

Palabras clave

  • integración de energía renovable, sistema de potencia, flexibilidad, energía eólica, energía solar.

Página inicial

  • 88

Última página

  • 96


  • 13