Kevinilla, a new velvet ant genus in the Sphaeropthalminae (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). Academic Article uri icon


  • The new genus Kevinilla Bartholomay & Cambra includes the following four Neotropical species: Kevinilla ludovica (Cameron, 1895) comb. n. (the type species), K. bicarinata (Cambra & Quintero, 2008) comb. n., K. bimaculata (Cambra & Quintero, 2008) comb. n., and K. hansoni (Cambra & Quintero, 2008) comb. n., all transferred from Pseudomethoca. A neighbour joining tree clustered IST1 sequences of Kevinilla in a subclade of the main clade, which includes species of Pseudomethoca and Dasymutilla. Therefore, here Kevinilla is considered to be a member of the subfamily Sphaeropthalminae, tribe Pseudomethocini. A key for both sexes of the known species of Kevinilla is given, as well as an account of seasonal fl ight activity of males recorded over six years using Malaise traps on Barro Colorado Island, Panama.

fecha de publicación

  • 2024

Palabras clave

  • Taxonomy, Pseudomethocini, molecular analysis, seasonal fl ight activity, Neotropical, Panama

Página inicial

  • 182

Última página

  • 196


  • 121