Aqua plantae: Sustainable prototype seawater desalination system and application to crops through underground irrigation Article uri icon



    In recent years, the main problem in the world is undoubtedly the imminent climate change accompanied by the El Niño and La Niña phenomena that bring with them extreme droughts on the one hand and floods on the other. Added to this is the pollution of the planet and specifically that of rivers, lakes, and other sources of fresh water, which are precisely the sources of water that living beings need for their survival. The purpose of this research is to adapt a seawater desalination method, through a distillation process to obtain fresh water, using solar energy as a source of energy. On the other hand, the efficiency of the desalination product is demonstrated by simulating plant growth microsystems as a function of the addition of treated seawater, using as a case study degraded soil samples from the dry arc in the Los Santos region. The methodology included: i. Adapting the methods of Nicholas Grimshaw (Water Theater) and Charlie Paton (Seawater Greenhouse) on the utilization of seawater, ii. The application of desalinated water, seawater, rainwater, and potable water, to terrariums planted with corn, beans, lentils and pigeon pea in triplicate at laboratory scale. The technology is quite simple and effective in decreasing salinity levels in the water from 34.39 g/L to 0.01 g/L; it also involves the use of solar energy, which makes it self-managing. This study demonstrates that it is possible to obtain good quality water by desalination in a sustainable manner using non-conventional energy. And that it can be of great proportions for the future of the country, directly benefiting the dry regions of the country.

    Alberto Atencio
    Alexandra Mojica
    Juan Carlos Osorio 

fecha de publicación

  • 2021

Palabras clave

  • Agua, desalinizadora, destilación, microsistema.

Página inicial

  • 66

Última página

  • 75


  • 7