Eco bricks, the upcoming sustainable solution for Panama? ; Los eco bloques, ¿la futura solución sostenible para Panamá? Article uri icon


    Laura Díaz
    José Gil
    Valeria Mirones

    Pollution due to plastic in Panama is abundant, and even though there are many projects to get rid of it, this pollution keeps becoming something inevitable, that’s why we’ve decided to make an investigation following already existing investigation patterns to make them useful: a concrete brick that contains PET plastic to give it a better use. Our prototypes were made with cement, sand, gravel and crushed plastic. For its elaboration we added sand first, then we added the gravel, then the cement and, finally, the crushed and transparent PET plastic, we mixed it and added water little by little until we reached a good consistency. We made many prototypes until we got a good enough brick, meaning that the proportion of materials variated until we got the ideal percentage of materials for the brick to resist and can be used in a good way. Our final prototype consisted of 15 % of sand, 30 % of gravel, 27 % of triturated PET plastic, 16 % of structural cement and 12 % of water obtaining a good consistency and dense. In this one, there weren’t present any type of cracks which indicates that the mixture was calculated wrong.

fecha de publicación

  • 2023

Página inicial

  • 73

Última página

  • 79


  • 9