Programa Propedéutico para Prevenir la Deserción Estudiantil en la Universidad Especializada de las Américas en Veraguas, Panamá Article uri icon


  • The objective is to design and validate a student dropout prevention programme at the Specialized University of the Americas in Veraguas, Panama. The research has a quasi-experimental design, pre-test and post-test, with a descriptive and explanatory type of study, which allowed us to respond to the research problem, hypotheses and objectives. The population consisted of sixty-six (66) students. The students' need to know the level of development of multiple intelligences and learning styles was proven, and that, based on this knowledge, they learn to use the most appropriate learning strategies for them, in addition to structuring their study habits.

fecha de publicación

  • 2023

Palabras clave

  • student desertion, higher education, prevention programmes, retention, university

Página inicial

  • 76

Última página

  • 92


  • Vol. 23(20) 2023