Platform for monitoring obesity and overweight Conference Paper uri icon


  • Abstract:
    At present, overweight and obesity are two global health problems that affect people's quality of life and, therefore, their working life. In addition, they are considered public health problems. In recent years, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are becoming a promising method as an alternative to monitor and control overweight and obesity, in addition to reducing economic costs and reducing the time between visits to doctors and nutritionists. This article presents a proposal for a mobile application to keep track of and monitor the problems of overweight and obesity. It seeks timely information for both the patient and the nutritionist and doctor and establish that communication between the parties. The mobile application connects the nutritionist and the patient, in which the patient supplies data to the application that is stored in a database. The prototype provides timely information for both the patient and the nutritionist and doctor, establishing communication channels between the parties to obtain regular updates on the progress of patients, personalized and precise suggestions from nutritionists, for sustained behavior change, helping to combat the phenomenon of obesity. The proposed application is based on the approach of new mobile technologies, which allows the rapid development of apps.

fecha de publicación

  • 2020

Palabras clave

  • Monitoring, Obesity, Information systems, Biomedical monitoring, Androids, Humanoid robots