Relationship of sociodemographic factors with the nutritional status of nursing students. University of Panama, Veraguas, 2023 Article uri icon


  • University students modify their lifestyles as a result of the demands of their careers, and as a result, their nutritional status experiences unfavorable changes for their health, since they are predisposed to the development of chronic pathologies. The study determined the relationship of sociodemographic factors with the nutritional status of nursing students from the University of Panama, Regional University Center of Veraguas. This was a descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional study. Information was collected using a structured instrument with closed questions on sociodemographic variables, in addition to the measurement of weight, height, waist and hip. The data were tabulated and analyzed in the statistical program SPSS version 23. 339 students participated; 80.8% were female. Regarding nutritional status, 44.9% were overweight. Of this group, 37.1% were female, and 7.1% were underweight. Regarding the waist/hip ratio, 25.6% (87) presented high or very high cardiovascular risk. On the other hand, the sociodemographic factors that indicated significance with respect to the nutritional status variable were age and academic level; but it is important to note that the correlation coefficient indicates a weak correlation of 0.234 and 0.202, respectively. It was concluded that the nutritional status of nursing students is similar to that of the rest of the Panamanian population and early identification of inadequate lifestyles that could influence is needed, in order to prevent weight gain and associated diseases.

fecha de publicación

  • 2024

Palabras clave

  • Keywords

    marketing, blood circulation, panama canal watershed privacy, water economy, blockchain,
    security, transaction, study program, irrigation water, health sciences, competence, skills, solarization, off-course reservoirs, adolescent, students, audit test, pcr, river basin, sub-basin, capacities, research, nursing, stress

Número de páginas

  • 13

Página inicial

  • 50

Última página

  • 63


  • 8


  • 1